
donderdag 1 mei 2014

Neon blue Molotow spray paint + Dutch Doobadoo stencil

<<< A simple background for your art journal using nothing but a stencil, some kraft paper, a strip of paper tape and two colors of neon Molotow Urban Fine Art spray.

Look what I got in the mail today! My new Dutch Doobadoo mask stencils by the dutch company Pronty. Thank you so much Dutch Doobadoo! They are so awesome, because they are A5, which is the perfect size for the type of art journaling that I love to do. >>>

I love this stencil called "Wheels". I think the design has something Japanese. >>>

I placed the stencil on a background i prepaired earlier, in my largest art journal, which is 25cm x 25cm (all my other books are smaller.) Nothing much: a piece of kraft paper that I glued directly on the page with regular craft glue. On the right is a strip of black and white washi tape. With neon pink Molotow Urban Fine Art Spray (colornr. 403) I sprayed a square boarder. >>>

Tak your neon blue Molotow Urban Fine Art Spray (colornr. 404)...

... and spray! This neon blue is so cool! >>>

And that's it. Easy as 1, 2, 3. >>>

3 opmerkingen:

Unknown zei

Wow nice stencils! I love stencils that can create interesting background texture.

Unknown zei

wow dat ziet er cool uit zo gaaf achtergrond zo.

Diane zei

Very fun technique with the stencil.

Hugs diane